Vintage-Antique Appreciation

First we arrived at CVG International Airport, no ones in our family spoke English. We were given, each, a pair of clothes and winter shoes,that we never saw before. My dad was given immigration bag to carry. We had no clue who we would meet next,after the translator put us at the right gate for Cincinnati.To make a story short, we ended up at Cincinnati, Ohio,where I am still a resident of. Everyone else moved to different part of the country for college and jobs. My parents moved to Kaeu,HI for warmth climate. I lost my sister to pancreatic cancer on oct 14,2020 and her husband to leukemia unexpectedly just 3 months before that. I am not angry at God. He answered prayers,the cancer tumors were completely in remission.But she didn’t acknowledge the glorious God works on her second chance birthday. God took the shields away.God has blessed me and my family so much..We had nothing started out. I helped with makes end meet during my high school
years, by cleaning the houses of elderly church members.I was given used stuffs to bring home.
In college, I worked for Antiques colleges mall. That was when I fall in love with antiques or Vintages at very early age. Even after making good income as software developer, I still do treasure hunting at Goldwills,salvation army,yard sale,auction etc
After serious car accident 2011,I was asked to go on long term disability. I refused. 2016,I was let go.My income was decreased dramatically and monthly medical bills pile up.Thankfully, Etsy came to the rescue for selling my collection. Every sale I make, I hope my customers are excited as I am.I love estate sale. Your purchase helps my treasure hunting addiction. I don’t really make money on ceramic potteries and glass items as shipping cost and packing materials are high. It just a labor of love. Thank you for browsing.Bunthy